Disconnected and Overlapping Object Type Expressions
Fully Communication Oriented Information Modeling (FCO-IM) completely and exclusively models the communication about a certain universe of discourse (UoD). The essence of building an FCO-IM information model is classifying and qualifying fact expressions (user communication in the form of verbalizations of facts by domain experts). The result is metadata, stored as an FCO-IM information grammar (IG). A visual representation of this IG is an information grammar diagram (IGD), but this is just eye candy. We show how disconnected and overlapping object expressions remove a restriction we placed earlier on the form of these fact expressions. Since the communication reflects the mental concepts users have of their UoD, information models depend on these concepts. This leads us to tentatively present a classification of different kinds of semantic equivalence, and to conclude that metamodeling at its best is concerned with finding the most elegant concepts to describe a given UoD.
Title: Classification and Qualification: Disconnected and Overlapping Object Type Expressions
Written by: Jan Pieter Zwart, Guido Bakema
Published: 19 Januari 2008 at the Second Libyan International Symposium on Information Systems Modeling and Development
Language: English